Receiving a call informing you that your loved one is in jail can be distressing. Regardless of the reason that led them there, you want to reunite with them in the quickest way possible, and the only way to do so is by posting bail. The bail process is complex to navigate without the help of a professional. Therefore, speak to a bail bonds service in Miles City, Montana, after an arrest. At 24 Hour Online Bail Bonds, we have experienced bail bondsmen who will explain how bail works and how to approach the procedure.

Miles City Bail Bonds Process

The bail bond procedure begins with a physical arrest. When you violate the law and are unlucky to be arrested, the arresting officer can issue you a citation that allows you to go home but return to court on a particular date. However, citations are only available for infractions or minor offenses. An officer must arrest and book you in the nearest jail if your offense is severe. In Miles City, you will be booked in Custer County Detentions.

At the detention facility, you will undergo booking, which entails noting down your official name and address and the crime you are alleged to have committed. Booking also entails fingerprinting, where fingerprints are scanned and recorded in the national database. The information can be easily retrieved using fingerprints if you have a previous criminal record or pending arrest warrant. The booking officer will also take a mugshot.

After booking, the officer in charge of your case can rely on the Custer County bail schedule to set bail. Alternatively, they can wait for you to be presented before a judge for bail determination. You should know that even in the bail hearing, the judge relies on the schedule to set bail. The law allows them to deviate from the amount provided on the schedule, but the deviation must happen per the law. 

You will be allowed one phone call once you learn about the bail you should pay. You can use the call to contact an online Miles City bail bonds service or a loved one who, after learning of your arrest, will likely contact a bail bondsman to facilitate your prompt release. 

Online Bail Application

Visiting the nearest Miles City bail bonds while in jail is impossible. Besides, the person you call to help with your discharge could be out of town. Waiting for them to return to start the bail process could prolong your jail stay. Therefore, you can avoid all the hassle associated with physically finding a bail bondsman by going online. You can fill out the bail bond forms conveniently with a smartphone, computer, laptop, or tablet.

You only need to look online for reliable Miles City bail bonds service and contact them to begin the process. However, you must be very careful because not all companies you find online are trustworthy. You should know that your chosen company will be responsible for releasing your loved one and will determine whether the arrestee will forfeit the bail. Therefore, take your time and research the companies you are considering and the rates they charge. 

Apart from considering the prices, you should check customer reviews of the bail bondsman. The best reviews are from independent sites because these will likely be unbiased and will assist you in making a wise decision. Read reviews from these former clients and see what they have to say about the services of the bail bondsman. Call the company to begin the discharge process if they seem satisfied with the services.

A qualified company must be licensed and accredited to offer services. If you pick a company that the relevant government agencies do not recognize, they could scam you with the premium fee and not find them because they do not exist in government records. 

After you have found the right company for the Miles City bail bonds, you should ring the company and share the relevant details to determine your bail bond eligibility. The service will require basic information to determine the bail qualification. They will inquire about your type of charge, employment status, credit rating, and other details to help them establish whether they should grant bail.

If you are eligible, they will send you virtual bail application forms to complete and sign electronically. The information you fill out in the forms helps the bail bondsmen set terms for the bail. It is if the reason bail bond contract terms vary between arrestees. Once the company drafts a contract, they will email it to you. Before signing the agreement, ensure you read and understand the terms to avoid additional charges or inflexible premium repayment plans that could lead to bail revocation or severe consequences. 

When satisfied with the bail bond terms, you can sign the contract and pay the relevant fees so that they can commence the release process. Do not worry about the payment because the service will send you an invoice detailing various items and their cost. If you have questions about the items in the invoice, do not hesitate to ask. A bail bondsman will be sent to post bail once you pay the premium in full or agree to a repayment plan.

The next step is posting a bond in jail to facilitate your release. Once the bond is deposited, you will be free to go home. The release process can take thirty minutes to one hour, depending on the inmates being processed or the staff available.

Once you exit custody, you will stay until the charges are dismissed or the case is concluded. However, violating bail terms could result in bail revocation and rearrest. Therefore, work closely with your bail bondsman to comply with the pretrial release terms. 

Jail and Court Information

Custer County Court

1010 Main Street

Miles City, MT 59301

(406) 874-3408

Custer County Detention Center

1010 Main St

Miles City, MT 59301

(406) 874-3301

Find a Proficient Bail Bondsman Near Me

Finding a reliable Miles City bail bonds service can be grueling. Nevertheless, finding an online bail bond company is convenient and hassle-free, thanks to technological advancements that have made it possible to fill out, electronically sign, and submit virtual forms. Contact 24 Hour Online Bail Bonds today at 800-930-8999 for all your bail needs.