No one expects an arrest, especially as a suspect in a criminal case requiring you to pay bail to secure your freedom. The judge could offer you a release on a citation or Own Recognizance (O.R.) release for non-serious and non-violent offenses, allowing you to secure your freedom without paying bail.

However, when the police or the court allows you to pay bail to receive your temporary freedom, you should do so without delay to receive your freedom. That is when the crucial services of a bail bondsman become critical. Since most arrestees cannot afford bail, most choose to retain the services of a bail bondsman to secure their freedom while awaiting their case's outcome.

Being eligible for bail is an opportunity you can assume, and our reliable bondmen at 24 Hour Online Bail Bonds are willing to offer you quick Harford bail bonds to receive your freedom without delay.

Convincing Reasons to Secure Hartford Bail bonds Upon an Arrest

Staying in jail as your case progresses through different phases of the criminal court system is undoubtedly not an option. While you can receive your release from jail by bail using cash or valuable property or assets, working with a bail bondsman to secure Hartford bail bonds is a decision you cannot regret. Here are convincing reasons to secure bail bond services following an arrest:

You Will Receive Immediate Financial Assistance

The bail prices for serious and violent crimes are often high to deter people with similar behaviors and give defendants a reason to make their court appearances after posting bail. Even if your offense is a misdemeanor, your bail could be unaffordable because arrests are unexpected. Fortunately, you can avoid the hassle of posting cash bail after an arrest by working with a bail bondsman.

A bail bondsman can sign an agreement with the court to settle your bail amount when you fail to return on the scheduled court dates.

You Can Use Your Convenient or Preferred Mode of Payment

A reliable bail bondsman will offer his/her client flexible payment options to clear his/her premium (service fee) without hassle. For instance, a bail bondsman can allow you or your bail bond co-signer to settle the premium using any of the following modes of payment:

  • Western Union
  • Paypal
  • Bankers cheque
  • Bitcoins
  • Credit card

You Will Enjoy Free Legal Advice

Although a bail bondsman has no legal qualifications, you cannot overlook their knowledge and experience in legal matters. A seasoned bondsman will provide legal guidance on how to deal with law enforcement officers and what to expect in your initial court proceeding (bail hearing), increasing your odds of securing a favorable outcome.

Benefits of Posting Bail Following an Arrest

In addition to being your constitutional right, paying bail after an arrest to secure temporary freedom as your criminal case continues has several advantages, including:

  • It gives you a better chance to work with your attorney to prepare well-thought-out legal defenses to challenge the allegations you are up against
  • It helps you protect your mental health and sanity because being incarcerated in overcrowded jails could negatively impact your mental health
  • It allows you to return to work or business to earn the much-needed income to hire a reliable defense attorney and care for your loved one's financial needs.
  • It allows you to spend time with your loved ones before your case's outcome

Reasons for Hiring an Attorney Following an Arrest

While working with a bail bondsman following an arrest is vital, you cannot overlook the advantages of having a reliable attorney in your corner as the case continues. The attorney you choose can help you with the following:

  1. Understanding Your Constitutional Rights

You have constitutional protections, even though it can feel like everything is crumbling when you are being held as an offender in any criminal offense. For instance, you have a legal right to:

  • Humane treatment
  • Retain the services of an attorney
  • Remain quiet during police interrogation
  1. Securing a Lower Bail Amount

Since bail is not a penalty for your offense, a reliable attorney will strive to secure the minimum possible bail amount for your case. The judge could lower your bail if your defense attorney can satisfactorily prove the following:

  • You are indigent
  • You are a first-time offender
  • You are not a threat to the life and safety of the community and the public at large
  • You have community ties
  1. Understanding Your Available Plea Options

A reliable attorney understands that not all cases reach the trial phase of the court system. If securing a plea bargain is an option in your case, your attorney could advise you to take it to avoid the uncertainty of having your case go through trial.

To be eligible for a reduced sentence or a plea option, you must be prepared to enter a guilty plea to the charges against you.

  1. Securing a Dismissal of the Charge or Minimum Sentence

You will depend on your attorney's legal assistance to secure the best possible outcome at your case's trial hearing. During this hearing, the jurors or judge will expect your attorney to present his/her mitigating evidence and arguments beyond any reasonable doubt.

When his/her defense arguments work in your favor, the jurors or judge will drop or reduce your charges to a lighter offense with less severe consequences. Even when the prosecutor secures a conviction against you, a reliable and aggressive attorney will stop at nothing until he/she secures a favorable outcome, including a reduced sentence.

Tips for Navigating the Bail Process

Navigating the bail process could be confusing, especially if this is your first arrest. Below are some helpful tips that can help make this process seamless:

Gather All the Necessary Documents

Gather and prepare documents that your attorney can use during your bail hearing to help prove you have strong community ties, meaning you are not a flight risk.

Consider Working With an Attorney

In addition to being your go-to legal advisor, retaining the services of an attorney is crucial. You will rely on your attorney during every phase of the court system to secure the best possible outcome.

Consider Working With a Bail Bondsman

If your bail is high or you are not ready to put your money or property at stake for your freedom, a bail bondsman can help. A bail bondsman can assist you in overcoming this financial burden during these challenging times to secure a release from jail as soon as possible. Look for a reputable bondsman for speedy Hartford bail bonds.

Adhere to the Court-Set Terms and Requirements

Once you secure your temporary freedom on bail, you should comply with all the court-set terms and conditions to avoid unnecessary legal complications and increased bail amounts. While every case is unique, some of the requirements the court could require you to abide by during this period include:

  • Stay arrest-free
  • Avoid contacting the protected individuals (for domestic violence cases)
  • Attend all the scheduled court dates
  • Agree to wear a GPS tracker
  • Agree to surrender your passport

Frequently Asked Questions About Hartford Bail Bonds

Below are common and frequent questions many people, mainly arrestees, ask about bail bonds:

  1. Is the Bail Bonds Premium Refundable?

No. Unlike bail, the money you will pay the bondsman to secure your release from jail is nonrefundable. The bondsman will keep the money as profit for his/her quick bail bonds needed to receive your temporary freedom while awaiting your case trial.

  1. Which information Will the Bondsman Need Once You Contact Him/her?

When you contact a bail bondsman, you should be ready to provide him/her with the following information to make the bail bond process seamless:

  • Your legal name
  • Jail booking number
  • The name and address of the jail that is holding you or a loved one in custody
  • The charges you are up against
  1. How Do I Find a Reliable Bail Bondsman?

The bondsman you choose will determine how quickly you secure your freedom following arrest. Below are factors to consider when looking for a reliable bail bondsman for quick Hartford bail bond services:

  • Whether the bondsman offers 24/7 services
  • Whether the bondsman is licensed
  • The bondsman's experience and reputation

Address Details for Hartford Jails and Courthouses

Here are the courthouse and jail address details you will require if you are looking for Hartford bail bonds to secure temporary freedom as your case continues:

Courthouse Address

Hartford Superior Court

920 Broad Street,
Hartford, CT 06106


Jail Address

Hartford Correctional Center

177 Weston Street
Hartford, CT 06120


Find a Bail Bondsman Near Me

Understanding the process of bailing yourself out of jail can significantly help if you are under arrest as an offender in any criminal case. Many arrestees do not know they can work with a bail bondsman to secure their freedom without putting their life savings at risk for their temporary freedom before their case’s outcome.

At 24 Hour Online Bail Bonds, we are ready to take this financial burden off your shoulders if you are behind bars as a suspect in a criminal case. Call us at 800-930-8999, and our able bail bondsmen will offer you fast Hartford bail bonds to secure temporary freedom before you receive a verdict on the allegations you are up against.